River of Dreams and the Art of Asking - Crowdfunding for Margaret River Open Studios 2023

Like a wonderful dream, the start of April showed me that hard work, trust, vulnerability, and the sheer will to follow through with your goals can pay off. With the encouragement of some wonderful humans, I spent the last 2 weeks of March trying my darndest to create and sell 16 prints to fund my registration fee due by the end of March, as I absolutely couldn’t financially manage the large amount at such short notice (and silly me thought I had another month or so to figure the cost out.)

I have been blown away by the support of old and new folks and friends who bought a print in support of this goal, and realised that I have a wonderful following of art lovers who see something in my art, and what an absolute blessing that is.

And so, the deed is done, and I am officially signed up to MRROS 2023. And as if the attainment of my goal wasn’t excellent enough, last week I found out I had been selected as a feature artist for the MRROS advertising this year. When its happening, it’s happening!

My campaign brief

The biggest thanks to all who have supported me over the past 6 years and particularly during this fundraising campaign. On to the next stage. I hope you will continue to join me on this wild adventure.


This is my dad


Sunday musings